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Electric or manual toothbrush?

We often receive numerous inquiries from patients about how to choose a good toothbrush. We will try to answer the most frequent questions with this text. Washing/brushing teeth is the basic way of maintaining dental hygiene. It is recommended to brush your teeth...

Periodontitis – what now?

Periodontitis (popularly known as parodontosis) is a disease that affects the teeth and gums. The basic symptoms are bleeding, swelling and receding gums, accompanied by bad breath, and in advanced cases there is wobbliness and loss of teeth. The leading symptom that...

How do coffee and tea affect our teeth?

Most people start their working day with coffee or tea. In addition to numerous positive effects on our mood, drinking coffee and tea also has negative effects on our teeth. Pigmentation Frequent consumption of coffee and tea leaves pigmentation on our teeth. In the...

Crown or bridge as a solution

What does it mean when a dentist offers us a crown or a bridge as a solution? Crowns and bridges are very often suggested by dentists as a prosthetic solution. A crown strengthens a weakened tooth structure as a result of caries, nerve extraction, various fractures,...


Do you have problems with constant wisdom tooth inflammation? It is probably pericoronitis. Find out exactly what pericoronitis is, what are the symptoms and how it is treated in the text. What is pericoronitis and how does it occur? Pericoronitis refers to localized...
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