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Most people start their working day with coffee or tea. In addition to numerous positive effects on our mood, drinking coffee and tea also has negative effects on our teeth.


Frequent consumption of coffee and tea leaves pigmentation on our teeth. In the composition of coffee we find tannin, which is responsible for the color of our teeth. It is especially important to avoid coffee and colored drinks after teeth whitening.


By consuming several coffees a day, plaque often forms on our teeth. It is advisable to rinse your teeth with water after drinking coffee, if you don’t have time to brush your teeth. Sometimes we feel that it is not necessary to brush our teeth after drinks, but even after them, a thin biofilm (plaque) remains on our teeth, which if not adequately removed by brushing, increases the risk of tooth decay.
We must not forget about the sugar, honey and milk that we often consume with these drinks, the decomposition of the mentioned ingredients creates simple sugars that encourage the development of plaque and consequently caries.

Why do teeth take on pigment from food and drink?

The surface of our enamel is not completely smooth, it contains microcracks into which pigment penetrates and thus changes the color of our teeth.

How to prevent staining and maintain the whiteness of the teeth?

  • Moderate consumption of colored drinks
  • Regular tooth brushing
  • Regular check-ups at the dentist
  • Tartar cleaning and teeth sandblasting
  • Teeth whitening

Despite the numerous negative effects of coffee and tea on our teeth, they are among the main drivers in our working day and greatly affect the level of good mood, so let’s enjoy coffee and tea, but in moderation, adhering to the given recommendations.

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